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Come and see us!
Everyone's invited for uplifting vibes, great company and a whole lot of JOY!

What do you think of when you hear the word "church"

A building? A Sunday service?

That's never what church was.
The church is... us. 


We, the people in Hamworthy who love Jesus, are his Church.

All of us, wherever we are.

Loving Jesus, doing life together,

 and loving our neighbours.




The church
are a peoplE,
not a place.

Gather at St. Michael's

Every Sunday at 10am we are gathering in person at St. Michael's Church with an All Age service normally on the third Sunday of the month.


Every third Sunday we meet at 4 o' clock at St. Michael's for an informal, but more traditional service which includes some liturgy.



Gather at St. Gabriel's

We gather at St. Gabriel's every Wednesday for "The Wednesday Thing" from 4.30pm.

This includes a Bring & Share Meal.


All welcome!


Small Groups

We encourage everyone in our church to get involved in a small group. Most groups meet once a week to pray together and study the Bible.

If you're

"I will Never leave you nor forsake you"

- Deuteronomy 31:6



We would love to hear from you.

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